Our Treatments

Spinal Fractures

Spinal Fractures

Symptoms, Treatment Methods, and Recovery Process

Spinal fractures are among serious injuries, typically resulting from traumatic events such as traffic accidents, falls from heights, and sports injuries. These fractures occur when one or more vertebrae in the spine are broken. Spinal fractures can lead to damage to the nerve roots and spinal cord, resulting in permanent injuries and neurological losses.

In this article, we will provide detailed information on spinal fractures, covering their symptoms, treatment methods, and recovery process.

Types of Spinal Fractures

Spinal fractures can be classified into different types depending on the location and type of damage to the vertebra. The most common types of spinal fractures are:

1. Compression Fractures: These occur when a vertebra collapses, often due to reduced bone density, especially in older individuals with osteoporosis.

2. Burst Fractures: Caused by high-energy trauma, these fractures can affect all parts of the vertebra, and fragments may displace toward the spinal cord.

3. Fragmented Fractures: This involves fractures in multiple places within a vertebra, usually resulting from severe trauma.

4. Dislocations: This is the dislocation of vertebrae, causing a separation of joint surfaces. Dislocations can press on the nerve roots and spinal cord, leading to serious complications.

Symptoms of Spinal Fractures

The symptoms of spinal fractures can vary depending on the type and location of the fracture. Common symptoms include:

Severe pain in the back, lumbar, or neck region

Restricted movement and tenderness in the affected area

Tingling, numbness, or weakness in the legs (if there is nerve damage)

Loss of control over bladder and bowel function (if there is spinal cord damage)

How Are Spinal Fractures Treated?

The treatment of spinal fractures depends on the severity and location of the fracture, as well as the presence of any nerve damage. Treatment options include:

1. Non-Surgical Treatment: Mild fractures can be treated with non-surgical methods to allow the vertebrae to heal in their natural position. Patients may be advised to wear a back brace or corset, and movement is restricted to protect the spine. Physical therapy is used to strengthen the muscles.

2. Surgical Treatment: Serious fractures with a risk of spinal cord or nerve damage may require surgery. Metal plates, screws, and rods are used to stabilize the fracture, restore spinal stability, and relieve pressure on the nerves. These surgeries are crucial for preventing spinal cord injury and preserving the patient’s functional status.

Recovery Process and Rehabilitation

The recovery process after spinal fractures depends on the patient’s overall health, age, and the severity of the fracture. Typically, the following stages occur after treatment:

Physical Therapy: Physical therapy is essential for strengthening muscles and maintaining spinal stability. Physiotherapy sessions are conducted to restore full mobility.

Regular Doctor Check-Ups: Regular check-ups during the recovery process are necessary to ensure proper bone healing.

Associate Professors Dr. Serhat Mutlu and Dr. Harun Mutlu are orthopedic surgeons specialized in spinal fracture treatment. Both physicians provide their patients with the most up-to-date treatment methods and appropriate treatment plans. When spinal fractures are not treated timely and correctly, they can lead to permanent damage, making consultation with an orthopedic specialist crucial.


Spinal fractures are injuries resulting from severe trauma and have the potential to cause permanent damage to the nervous system. However, with proper treatment and a rehabilitation program, patients can regain their health. Associate Professors Dr. Serhat Mutlu and Dr. Harun Mutlu, along with their specialized team, offer the best services in treating spinal fractures.
